Introduction - Meet Lauren Stegmaier, L.Ac., founder of Satori Bay, and learn how holistic diagnosis and treatment methods such as acupuncture, bodywork, and yoga can guide you on your wellness journey.

Treat Pain - Learn the three basic principles of treating pain including breath, touch, and stretching.

Basic Moves - Learn the basic moves of dynamic breath and posture that include activating the feet, inhaling and telescoping the ribs, exhaling and connecting to the core.

Neck Release - Learn to identify and release tension from the triple-paired structural muscle groups in the neck, the scalenes.

Shoulder Shrugs - Learn to identify two structural muscle group, pectoralis minor and rhomboids, which are related to proper posture with an open chest.

Modified Horse Stance - Learn the steps of the most powerful form of horse stance to open circulation in all the joints.

Tai Chi Warm-Up - Learn the Tai Chi Warm-Up to start your day right.